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Lotus have enchanted the Orient and Asia for more than 3,000 years. Grown for food and flower, revered as a symbol of spiritual perfection, ...
Anubias aquarium plant in Thailand Anubias is a genus of aquatic and semi-aquatic flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to...
Share beautiful the newest plant photos and the collection of Euphorbia milii- Crown of thorns plants in Thailand. We supply more 90 variet...
Rosy Adenium Cleansing & Packing We remove Adenium out from the pot, clear soil and physically check caudex, stem and root sys...
There are many meanings of water lily flowers that have recorded. http://www.ewaterplant.com/water-lily/category/meaning-of-waterlily-flow...
How to Do Indoor Gardening Plants are just as popular as furniture when one is deciding on furniture and soft furnishings. Aside from the...
Firstly understanding "Black Rosy Adenium" It is not a true BLACK rosy adenium. Almost they are deep dark red or deep dar...
Crinum thaianum is also known as Onion plant, Thai water onion or Water onion. Originally found in the canal and stream of southern Thail...
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"Our nursery is certified as "a Controlled Plant Exporter under the Plant Quarantine ACT B.E.2507 and Amended " The customers in European countries can import our plants with safe and good conditions as the EU regulation requires.
The plants are certified
1. All varieties of aquarium plant
2. Nymphaea spp. water lily
3. Adenium spp.
4. Plumeria spp.
5. Euphorbia